Friday 17 November 2017

5G network to generate $27 bn revenue potential for telcos by 2026: Report

The retail sector in India will offer potential 5G-enabled revenue of up to $1.15 billion by 2026: Report

5G network is estimated to create a $27 billion worth revenue opportunity for Indian telecom operators by 2026, as per Ericsson 5G Business Potential Report.
The largest opportunity will be seen in sectors like manufacturing, energy and utilities followed by public safety and health sectors. This will be over and above the revenue generated from traditional services which is expected to grow up to $63 billion by 2026, the report noted.
"5G is expected to play a major role in digitalization of industries. 5G network will bring new level of performance and characteristics to the telecom networks enabling new services and creating new ecosystems. New revenue streams will open for operators as they go beyond being Connectivity and Infrastructure providers to become service enablers and service creators," said Nitin Bansal, managing director, Ericsson India.
Further, the report stated that agriculture will open-up revenue opportunities up to $400 million for telecom operators. The application of 5G will be in areas like field monitoring and mapping, livestock routing and monitoring, on-field applications, and related services.
It added that the retail sector in India will offer potential 5G-enabled revenue of up to $1.15 billion by 2026, the report obsereved.
Meanwhile, Ericsson on Friday showcased the first live 5G end-to-end demonstration in India using its 5G test bed and 5G NR Radio, demonstrating extremely high throughput and ultra-low latency.
The technology exhibit at Ericsson Connect 2017 also featured 5G use cases and live demonstration of essential technologies on the road to 5G like Gigabit LTE (1 GBPS download speeds) with License Assisted Access (LAA) technology. (more)

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