Wednesday 1 August 2018

This is why I decided to buy 3-Year two-wheeler insurance policy this year!

Freedom from hassle of renewing your policy every year is another big positive that make people opt for long term two-wheeler insurance cover

Like thousands of other young professionals buying a two-wheeler of my choice was pretty high on my things-to-do list once I landed myself a job with a good package. Not surprisingly then mere days after my first salary I was at the local dealership of my choice with a big grin on my face.
Owning a vehicle is many a things; it’s not only buying convenience for oneself but also making a statement that you are moving up in your life. Buying a vehicle especially two-wheeler is also an economical, sensible and a decision which provides not only comfort but a freedom of sought. As I had nurtured the wish of owing a two wheeler of my choice since long, quite a bit of research had gone in to zeroing in on the ideal one.
Make, models, power, mileage, EMIs and much more, I probably knew all of this info like the back of my hand. Even during the test ride all I was thinking about was what I’m going to do after owning my dream bike. Nevertheless soon, I was the proud owner of my first two wheeler bought from my own hard earned money. The feeling of something so early in my life was majestic.
Benefits of a Two-wheeler Insurance
All excited I couldn’t wait to finish the paperwork and take my newest love for a spin. Although I knew a bit about the paperwork involved, the registration and the insurance, I learned few new things then. For a two wheeler owner be it a motorcycle or a scooter owner having a third party two wheeler insurance policy is mandatory by law under the Motor Insurance Act.
It also makes perfect sense to have a comprehensive insurance plan that will provide protection against damage, theft and even natural disasters such as floods, earthquake and much more to the vehicle. The said policy also covers liabilities for injury, death or damage to any third party involved in any accident involving the two-wheeler. A two-wheeler insurance policy can not only provide protection against economic losses but also provides peace of mind to the owner of the vehicle. So, after scouting the usual, premium charges, coverage, exclusion and claim procedure I opted for the best insurance policy which has a validity of one year.
Long Term Insurance Cover for Two Wheelers
The year went by in a breeze and without any incident that would require me to claim my insurance. Soon, came the time for renewal of my insurance policy. The first thing which struck me was the substantial hike in the premium which I will be paying when compared to the premium I paid a year ago. This time as I had much time on my hand I started researching a bit more about various policies and offerings by various insurance companies.
I also came to know about the fact that I could have opted for a three year plan instead of a one year plan back then and this would have locked the third party premium charges for three year thus saving me money along with many other benefits as well. Every penny saved is a penny earned, so the thoughts of what all I could have done with the saved amount if I have opted for a 3 year insurance cover started to cross my mind. But unfortunately I knew that the water has flowed under the bridge and all I could do was to be resolute to be more careful in the future.
Article Source : BS

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